This repository will hold all the home-works/projects for the course New Human Factors in Computing - SUNY SBU Spring '17.
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Assignment 5: Sketching, problems and solutions

We propose two ideas that we think would qualify to be our final project for this course:

Idea 1: A Guitar Tutor HW

I am a self made guitarist and I had a hard time learning it myself. I had to go through a lot of Video Tutorials, Tab sheets etc, to
to figure out the notes/chords for a song.

What if there is a hardware out there that can be connected to the guitar which itself shows you how to play any song, if you know the basics of playing a guitar?

There will be a 3-D printed flat board that you can insert between the frut board and the strings. This is so thin that it won't touch the strings. This flat board will have 6 leds and 6 sensors each between every frets. This is something that you can insert under the fret board and it gets locked by itself in place. The leds will light in 4 different colors, representing each of the 4 fingers of the player. When the player correctly places his fingers over the flat board, he touches the sensors and the next set of tabs for the next chords/beat will light up. All the leds and sensors are connected to the main bus that runs just outside of the neck of the guitar.

The bus that runs just outside of the neck of the guitar is connected to a hardware device which has a BT h/w. This will receive files over BT to be displayed to the leds.

Idea 2: A DIY Virtual Reality Head Mount